It has taken me awhile to find time to blog, but Wyatt John is here! :)
He arrived at 3:44pm on Sunday, April 1, 2012. He weighed 7 lbs 6 ounces and was 21 inches long. The delivery was relatively smooth, but his heart rate kept falling at random times (as opposed to with contractions) and the doctor and nurses were concerned. They put me on oxygen and came and turned me over every time his heart rate fell. We had been doing this for a few hours and I had not progressed past 5cm. I was beginning to think that we were headed to a c-section. At this point, Raymond came back from letting the dogs out and sat by my bed and started to read Exodus out loud (this is where he was in his read through the bible in a year reading plan). Raymond did this for an hour and during this hour, Wyatt's heart rate did not fall once. I also progressed from 5 to 9cm and we knew that I was not going to have to go to c-section. Praise God! Wyatt was born a little later and we found out that the cord was wrapped around his neck which caused the heart rate issues. We are so thankful that we did not have any further complications and he is a healthy boy :)
We have been home almost a week and it's hard to believe it's been that long! Time flies when you are taking care of a newborn. We have had our challenges, but so far we are both loving being parents.
Here are some pictures :)
Wyatt just after birth. He came out hungry :)
It was a long night of labor, but SO excited to have my baby in my arms!
First family picture :)
Going home in his onesie that is too big and his boots :)
Headed home :)
Hanging out with mom
Meeting Diesel
Through all of this it was very evident that God was with us and watching over us. God is so good!