Tuesday, November 8, 2011


We had our 2nd trimester ultrasound today! We now know the gender :) We are waiting to tell everyone until this weekend when we can get together with our families and tell everyone in person!

They took lots of measurements during this ultrasound and everything looks good! Baby was rolling over a lot and we didn't get many good pictures, but that's okay. I am just glad to know baby is healthy!

Also, I weighed myself at the doctor's office and I have gained 10 pounds since the last appointment!! YAY!!! I am so excited about this! It takes some of the stress away to know that I am gaining weight and should be back to an appropriate weight in a week or two!

Nothing else exciting at this appointment! We are so blessed to have a healthy baby! I am still continuing my rotations and I am on track to graduate in May! We keep praying that all continues to go smoothly!

Look for a facebook post Saturday night with the gender!! :D We cannot wait to share our excitement with everyone!

 View from the top of the head looking at the brain.

About the best profile picture we got. Looks like the hand is up by the face.

Baby is rolling over again! So it's back of head, arm, and leg.

The tech switched to 4D for a minute. This is about the best picture we got. Baby is still skinny but looks like a baby!



  1. Yay! Congrats! Having a healthy baby is the best thing! Can't wait to hear your news. :)

  2. Thanks! I have an idea of a onesie I would like you to make if you can! :) After we tell everyone the gender, I will let you know my idea and you can tell me if it is possible! I am excited to finally be able to buy some of the awesome stuff you make!!
